Matakana is a small town located on the North Island of New Zealand. It is known for its beautiful setting on the shores of the Matakana River and its proximity to the Matakana Coast Scenic Drive. Here are some things you can do in Matakana:
- Take a walk or bike ride along the Matakana Coastal Walkway, a scenic trail with views of the river and surrounding landscape.
- Go fishing or boating in the Matakana River.
- Visit the Matakana Farmers Market, a popular market that features local produce, food, and crafts.
- Go on a wine tour to taste the local wines and learn about the winemaking process.
- Play a round of golf at the Matakana Golf Club.
- Relax and unwind at one of the local spas or wellness centers.
- Go on a nature walk with a local guide to learn about the plants and animals of the area.
- Take a scenic drive along the Matakana Coast Scenic Drive, a beautiful route with views of the coast and countryside.
- Visit the Matakana Cinemas, an independent cinema that screens art house films.
- Visit the Matakana Country Park, a large park with walking trails, playgrounds, and picnic areas.